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Mec Giant

Mec Giant 9.0

Mec Man
The new generation of 9 tables is specially thinked for full bovine hides, especially for trades automotive and furniture. A dedicated design has allowed to realize a table structure with a fair balance between rigidity and flexibility. The movement is so fluid and harmonious. The materials and thicknesses used provide a life expectancy of thirty years.

Mec Giant 8.6

Mec Man
The new generation of 8.6 tables is specially designed for full bovine hides, especially automotive and furniture. A dedicated design has allowed to realize a table structure with a fair balance between rigidity and flexibility. The movement is fluid and harmonious. The materials and thicknesses used provide a life expectancy of thirty years.

Mec Giant 8.0

Mec Man
The new generation of 8.0 tables is specially designed for working half bovine hides, full hides of small dimensios or goat/sheep skins. It is designed for the footwear and clothing industry. Structurally, the table uses the same design of the MecGiant 8.6, with the same exceptional rigidity, flexibility and fluidity in motion.

Mec Giant

Mec Man
The vacuum dryer MecGiant is very different from other similar products. The quality of constructive solutions and the reliability of its vacuum generation technology puts it among top-of-the-range products. The continuous experience of the Mec Man team in the drying world makes the maintenance necessary for the operation of the vacuum dryer MecGiant to be greatly reduced.

Mec Pack

Mec Man
As the MecGiant vacuum dryer but smaller! The quality of the materials and the reliability of its vacuum generation technology remain a must for us. The maintenance necessary for the MecPack vacuum dryer is reduced, thanks to the experience of the Mec Man team in the world of leathers' drying.

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